For 5 Days Only (No Extensions)...

Master the NEW Rules of VSLs in 2024:

How to Create High-Converting Short, Medium-Length, and Long-Form VSLs That Crush It On Facebook and Beyond - Even If You've Already Mastered Traditional VSL Techniques

9 Cutting-Edge Modules on Modern VSL Mastery, AI-Powered Creation Techniques, and Scroll-Stopping Headlines for Today's Distracted Audience

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Hey there, it's Stefan Georgi…

And this is a super important message for both copywriters and business owners who are part of my communities. 

Are your VSLs struggling to convert like they used to?

Are you watching your ad costs skyrocket while your sales plummet?

Is the old "40-minute VSL on a landing page" model falling flat?

If you're nodding your head, you're not alone. 

Even top ClickBank vendors are reporting 50-80% drops in sales.
But here's the thing…

While your competition is scrambling, you have a massive opportunity.
Because I'm about to hand you the keys to everything that's working RIGHT NOW with VSLs.

And I know what you're thinking...

"Stefan, don't you already have RMBC? Haven't you talked about VSLs a lot?"

100% I have…

But the game has changed a LOT. 

Of the 70+ companies in my CA Pro Mastermind that are all doing between 3MM-$300MM a year in sales…

I’d say at least 80% of them are running their VSLs as in-feed ads on places like Meta and YouTube…

And, equally importantly, most of them are crushing with VSLs that are between 4 and 18 minutes in length. 

This is TOTALLY different than the old model, where you just send clicks to a landing page with a 30-50 minute VSL…

And I’m 100% convinced that the reason so many business owners and copywriters are struggling right now…

Is because they haven’t yet realized this, or figured out how to adapt to market conditions in 2024.

That’s why I created The VSL Blueprint Bundle.

This isn't just another course on writing VSLs…

It’s the step-by-step playbook for creating high-converting VSLs that work RIGHT NOW in 2024.

In it, I’ve adapted RMBC to both modern VSL structures, and also the fact that using AI cuts down on your writing time DRAMATICALLY…

Which is why, with this bundle:
You'll master various VSL structures and lengths, tailored for different platforms…

You'll see how to craft attention-grabbing leads that hook viewers in those crucial first 10 seconds... 

We'll dive deep into creating compelling background stories and unique mechanisms that set your offer apart…

I'll show you exactly how to build-up an irresistible desire for your product and reveal it in a way that leaves your audience clamoring for more…
You'll discover the new way to close sales in short-form VSLs, with adaptable techniques for various lengths…

And let's not forget about headlines - not only is there an ENTIRE training on this topic… 

But I’ve taken my classic “7 Step Checklist for Killer Headlines” and adapted it to today’s marketplace…

While showing you active examples of headlines that are working RIGHT NOW, and that are also generally a lot more compliant than in the past.

PLUS, you’re getting access to real-world examples across tons of niches, swipes, and step-by-step workbooks for each module.

This is the exact same training I gave to my $30,000/year Copy Accelerator Pro members.

And now, for the first time ever…

I'm making this training available to you…

But only for the next 5 days.

Let’s dive a little deeper into the modules…
  • PART 1: The New Rules of In-Feed VSLs
Like I said earlier, the game has changed. 

Those 40-minute VSLs? 

They're dinosaurs now. 

In this module, we're going to rewire your brain for the new world of in-feed VSLs.
  • Why your old VSLs are probably tanking (and how to fix them)
  • The 3-7-18 Rule: I'll show you how to structure killer VSLs whether you've got 3 minutes or 18
  • My "Scroll-Stopping Sequence" - use this, and viewers won't be able to look away
  • Platform hacks: What works on Facebook vs. Instagram vs. TikTok (they're not the same!)
  • The "Pattern Interrupt" technique that'll make your VSL pop in a sea of sameness
  • PART 2: Crafting Irresistible VSL Leads That Hook Viewers Instantly
You know that feeling when you can't stop watching a video, even if you want to? 

That's what we're going to create here.

I'll show you:
  • The 5 types of hooks that consistently crush it (and when to use each one)
  • How to be controversial without ticking people off (it's an art, trust me)
  • My "Future Pacing" method that'll have viewers practically begging for your product
  • The stupid mistakes most people make in their VSL openings (and how to avoid them)
  • ​How to take something complex and make it irresistibly simple in seconds
  • PART 3: The Art of Storytelling & Mechanisms in Short-Form VSLs
"But Stefan, how can I tell a story in a short video?" 

I hear you…

And I've got you covered.

We'll dive into:
  • How to cram the "Hero's Journey" into even the shortest VSLs
  • The "Instant Credibility" trick that works like magic
  • My "Emotional Rollercoaster" technique that keeps viewers glued to your video
  • ​The art of "show, don't tell" in video (it's easier than you think)
  • ​Using customer stories to obliterate objections (without being pushy)
  • PART 4: Mastering the Art of Product Build-Up and Strategic Testing
Alright, this is where things get really exciting. 

We're going to turn your product reveal into an event your audience can't resist.

You'll discover:
  • How to build up your product so much, viewers will be begging you to reveal it
  • Blending authority, research, and testimonials to make your product feel like the only logical choice
  • Dropping tantalizing hints throughout your VSL that keep viewers glued to the screen
  • My secret sauce for testing pricing models, headlines, and CTA placement for maximum impact
  • ​How to read your testing data like a pro (no more guesswork!)
  • PART 5: Mastering the Art of High-Converting VSL Closes
This is where the rubber meets the road. 

We're talking next-level stuff that'll set you apart from 99% of marketers out there…

And actually drive conversions.

In this module we’ll go over stuff like:
  • Building such intense desire that viewers can't help but take action
  • Using scarcity and urgency without coming off like a sleazy car salesman
  • ​Leveraging guarantees and testimonials to obliterate objections
  • ​Making your offer feel like an absolute steal, even at premium prices
  • ​Positioning your offer as the pivotal choice between a better future and missed opportunities
  • PART 6: Crafting Headlines That Stop the Scroll and Skyrocket Conversions
Here's the truth: If your headline doesn't grab attention, nothing else matters. 

In this module, I'll show you how to create headlines so magnetic, viewers can't help but click.

We'll cover:
  • Crafting headlines that create an irresistible itch viewers have to scratch
  • ​Finding the perfect balance between intrigue and specificity
  • ​Incorporating credibility boosters that make your headline instantly trustworthy
  • ​Creating headlines that pop on even the smallest screens
  • ​How to systematically test and optimize your headlines for peak performance
  • PART 7: Powerful “AI” Processes with Nick Staab
Nick's a freaking VSL wizard, and he's agreed to spill the beans. You're getting:
  • A killer training video where Nick breaks down his most effective VSL processes
  • A badass workbook to help you implement Nick's strategies right away
  • ​Nick's personal VSL processes - the exact steps he uses to create videos that print money
This module alone could completely change how you approach VSLs. 

Nick will teach you how to boss around AI like it's your junior copywriter, feeding it the right instructions and examples to churn out gold.

By the time you're done, you'll be able to knock out a 75% complete VSL draft in about five hours flat.
  • PART 8: My “AI Masterclass” On Producing ENDLESS Leads…
Sick of staring at a blank page, trying to come up with killer VSL leads? 

In this training I show you my exact process for using Claude AI to crank out endless, high-converting VSL leads…

You'll watch me swipe the structure of winning video leads, feed them to Claude along with key product details, and boom - out comes a tailor-made lead for a completely different offer. 

Manifestation to Bizopp? Skincare to weight loss? No problem.

By the time you're done with this training, you'll have the skills to generate an endless stream of compelling VSL leads for any niche, any product, anytime. 
  • PART 9: Using Claude “Projects” To Pump Out Original VSLs in Any Niche
This section alone makes the VSL Bundle worth 10x the price I’m asking.

That’s not hype, it’s wild, and I literally just created it a few days ago…
Which means even I am blown away.

You see, I was looking at all the awesome assets that are included in the VSL Bundle…

And I thought to myself “what if we upload those to Claude as a new ‘project’...

Then see if we can get it to pump out killer VSLs on demand?”
Holy shit, was I in for a surprise.

Within minutes, I used this system to generate a killer joint health VSL that wasn't just a direct swipe…

Then cranked out a photography business VSL that felt fresh and original…

All while maintaining the proven structures and elements that make VSLs convert.

It’s crazy how good and effective this is…

All you have to do is give Claude some pieces of information about whatever VSL you want to write (and don’t worry - I show you how to do this in this training too)...

And by the time you're done with this training, you'll have a VSL factory at your fingertips...

Ready to pump out original, high-converting scripts for any niche or product...

This training alone is the “missing link” that ties the whole system together with AI, and it's all yours at no extra cost.
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This Bundle Should Easily Cost $997…

But I’m Only Asking You To Invest A Fraction of that Amount Today

My RMBC program was $997, and people are still saying great things about it. 

And this bundle is like the modern update to it…

Going over what’s working RIGHT NOW…

Showing you how to use AI to pump out world class leads and VSLs…

And putting you ahead of 99% of your competition…

Which is why I really believe that I could ask $997 for this, and it would 100% be worth it. 

And yet…

Here’s the wildest thing of all…

For this week only, you can get the entire VSL Blueprint Bundle for just $297

Now, I'll be honest - I'm probably underpricing this. 

If I wanted to make this a major source of income, I'd charge $997, hype it up for weeks, make it some evergreen course... you know the drill.

But that's not what this is about.

I'm doing this because I genuinely believe this stuff can help people. 

A lot. 

And I love that through capitalism, I can make some money (which is great), and you can get extremely valuable, up-to-date training that'll transform your business.

Let me put it this way: Top ClickBank vendors are seeing their sales drop by 50-80% because the old VSL model just isn't cutting it anymore. 

But you? 

After going through this training, you'll know exactly what's working RIGHT NOW with VSLs.

You'll understand the nuances, the differences, and you'll have the AI processes to create killer VSLs in 15-20 minutes.

This is the exact process I use for everything now... 

And if you're smart (which I know you are), you'll be cranking out high-converting copy faster than ever before.

Don't believe me? Check this out - I just got a message from the owner of Credit Secrets. One of their writers improved so much after using this training that they cut down their writing time by 10x. Urchikinto called me "the cheat code".
And that's exactly what this bundle is - your cheat code to dominating the VSL game in 2024 and beyond.

But here's the thing - this offer is only live for 5 days. And I mean 5 days. 

When that clock hits zero, it's gone. 

Maybe I'll bring it back in several months, maybe not. 

But right now? This is your shot.

So if you're serious about leveling up your VSL game, scroll down and grab this bundle for $297. It's a no-brainer.

Remember, once those 5 days are up, it legitimately goes away. 

I don't do extensions, I don't make exceptions. 

Ask anyone who's missed my offers before - when I say it's gone, it's gone.

Hit that button below, and let's crush it together.
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